Family Law

In the area of Family Law, Morris Laing attorneys will file and defend divorce, paternity, legal separation and annulment actions. We have experience in resolving complex financial issues including business valuations and high net worth divorces. We will assist clients in the valuation of assets and liabilities in their case, as well as provide advice on structuring final property settlements. We have experience in determining appropriate spousal maintenance orders on a case by case basis, including advice and recommendations on the spousal support amount, length of payments and terms on future support.
We also have experience handling cases concerning minor children, where we represent clients in seeking orders that are in their children’s best interests. This includes modifications on custody, residency and parenting time. We assist our clients in formulating parenting time schedules, holiday-sharing plans and co-parenting orders for separated parents. We have experience determining child support orders under the Kansas Child Support Guidelines, including establishing child support and reviewing child support matters for increases or decreases.
We are skilled in drafting and reviewing both Premarital Agreements and Post-nuptial Agreements. We also will further represent our clients in divorce litigation involving these agreements, should it become necessary in the future.
Our firm provides clients with full-service legal expertise in a wide range of areas related to family law matters, including advice on issues involving tax, business, retirement and estate planning. Our services to family law clients include advising our clients, courtroom litigation, negotiating settlement agreements, and trial work.